The following is a script from “30 Years on Death Row” which aired on October 11, 2015. Bill Whitaker is the correspondent. Ira Rosen and Habiba Nosheen, producers. There may be no...

Koch’s community activist? By Demond A. Jackson Charles Koch is building a non-profit geared toward revitalizing our communities. The organization is called “Stand Together”, currently...

Recent events show that black lives in Ferguson, Staten Island and beyond are insecure, burdened by the police surveillance and criminal justice involvement that are most heavily concentrated in neighborhoods...

  Good Article……… By Juliet Eilperin January 26 President Obama on Monday announced a ban on solitary confinement for juvenile offenders in the federal prison system, saying the...

  “6,000 non-violent federal drug offenders are being release” Here’s what you don’t know… By Demond A. Jackson There’s allot of media attention with regards to...

  I was once asked why I cared so much about woman’s rights. I do not know if it is politically correct for a man to be labeled a “feminist”, nor am I certain as to what the feminism...

  The Survey of Consumer Finances collected by the St. Louis Federal Reserve Bank, from the years 1992 to 2013, the median net worth of blacks who finished college dropped 56%(adjusted for inflation)....

Recently in the new’s the City of Baltimore and it’s police department have made the headlines. Report’s are that the B.P.D. has taken a back seat in doing their job. Complaints by some...

Ban the Box By Demond A. Jackson The “ban the box” movement is an initiative, which urges employers to wait until employers are being interviewed or have tentative job offers before asking...

John Legend- The Ex-Felon Advocate By Demond A. Jackson The Grammy- award winning artist has publicly stated: “We have a serious problem with incarceration in this country,” “It’s...