Social Security Assistance for inmates with Post Traumatic Stress Syndrome
Federal Grants and Low Interest Loans: 1-800-222-2470
Below is some resource info I have outline for Ex-Felon’s who are in financial and services. Allot of ex-felon who have been incarcerated for a substantial amount of time, who are unable to function within society work force, are disable. Do to Post traumatic stress caused by incarceration and the institutional violence and psychological oppression of imprisonment.
[Note: Because of a lack medical resources and effective psychologist in correctional facilities, most ex-felons with this disability never get diagnose. Long term incarceration in some of America’s Maximum Security prison, is parallel to American Soldiers fighting on the frontline in Afghanistan for more than a single term. Some men are literally surviving day to day in the heart of race wars, gang wars, geographical wars and administrative oppression. Most of you have never seen a man who are shell shocked from riots, and institutional violence. As well as those who has been oppressed, raped and abuse year after year. The psychological effects this has on men is truly saddening. These men often return to prison because they are aware of their disability and there are not enough resources in place to aid and assist them with getting the proper medical attention they desperately need. Therefore, I hope the info I have laid out below helps you or a love one get the assistance they need, to keep them from falling victim to recidivism.
God Bless, Demond A. Jackson ]
Months before release write to address:
Department of health and human services,
social security administration
718 E. Franklin street
Richmond Va, 23219
[note: or a officer near you]
Ask for information about benefits for prisoners under public law93.365,92.63 code R C W 72.02.040, and ask for the address of the regional director at the social security office in the area you will be released to.
Write the regional Director and say you have turned in your parole or release plan and that you want to apply for $980 per month social security insurance benefits. Ask that the application be sent to you address shown on you release plan, These details are covered in R.C.W 72.02.040 (keep your copy of the letter) once you are released go to the social security insurance off. That a copy of the letter you wrote the regional director and apply for benefits under R.C.W 74.29.105
being down also qualifies you for disability benefits./ However these are a different category from the disadvantaged minority benefits and require a separate application at the S.S.I (social security insurance office) you have to be persistent with this one and may have to file the application several time, but one you are approved you are eligible for $310.00 per month for every month your were incarcerated.
Contact the Us dept. of social and health services and apply for vouches for food housing and cloths plus an immediate $180.00 in food stamps,
Contact the local U.S housing and urban development office, you may be eligible for low income housing,
need a job? the targeted job tax credit program will pay half of your wages and give you employer a $3000.00 tax write off the first year and #1500 the second year if your job constitutes training.
Remember all the dreams plans you thought you would like to start up while you were incarcerated? The small business administration might give you a start up loan. Also check out the minority business administration office with the department.
Small Business Administration
You can receive a loan of up to #300,000.00 to build a business. Go through an organization know as S.C.O.R.E. to find out more concerning grants and loans . Write to the hall of congress by federal law you qualify to receive benefits .As soon as you are release. Tell them you need financial assistance immediately. A check should be issued within two hours. The amount depends on the area, but should be no less than #150.00, while you are there be sure to obtain your medical card for health care protection benefits. You may also receive food stamps.
National Economic Development assistance, Its basically unemployment compensation . Sign up immediately upon release.. You will be required to wait at least four days for a check for about $52.00- $150.00 a week until you are able to find a job and sustain it.
The small business administration will loan you up to $24,000.00 for any small business you wish to start. They will also loan you $500.00 to buy a car or loan you an additional $1000.00 to but any vehicle you need for work.
The American Bankers association: Will give you a $500.00 certificate.. The certificate must remain in the back for one full year you will collect interest.
American bankers Association
1120 Connecticut Avenue
Washington, DC 20039
To gain $10,000.00 for free financial management technical assistance as an economically and disadvantage person in starting or operation your business contact:
Chief Grant Administration Division
minority Business Development Agency Department of commerce
Washington DC, 20230
Ph# 202-377-3165
Small business Administration
144 D. street
N. Washington DC 20416
PH# 202-653-6570
The first thirty days
ex offenders Bureau of prison benefits available to former inmates,
(1) social security office
(2)welfare dep’t.
(3)state rehabilitations office
Go immediately to the nearest social security office, ask to speak o counselor so that you can apply, S.S.I. emergency benefits of $1500.00 and explain that you are emotionally mentally unprepared to hold a job, show them your mandatory release papers in order to prove that you are fresh out of prison, note you should receive your check within seven days. While at the office fill out the form for #310.00 monthly for the time you were incarcerated under disability benefits. Next go the the welfare office for general relief. show them your release papers and tell them you need assistance immediately, A check should be issued within two hours.
Need bonded go to the probation and parole Dept to get the forms.
S..S.I. supplemental social income can be described as a form of welfare that is paid through the social security office. Different from social security benefits, there is no need to qualify for S.S.i. because you are unemployed and considered to be disabled. Be sure to understand the situation concerning your disability. Federal registration at this time documents that you are an ex offender to the fact and that you have an emotional problem. Basically the government has declared that had you not had this problem you would have been able to conform to the rules of society.. Thus preventing your commission of a federal crime regardless of whether or not you feel or accept this emotion problem. the fact is considered by both federal and state rehabilitation commissions to be a disability and you will be considered to have this disability until you can be a productive member of society,
(A) the whole purpose of S.S.I. is to help you reenter society and relieve economic pressure that ex offenders face while trying to be a productive member of you community
(B) After you release you as a parolee or other wise will qualify for assistance of up to #310.00 per month. Although you do qualify for S.S.I. while you are still in prison awaiting to be released. You by law only have 30 hours after you released to reach the nearest social security office and submit your application. it is necessary that you take the required steps before you release date and apply for benefits or you will lost the opportunity to take advantage of S.S..I. So 90 days prior to your release send in your application to be processed. You should have a check in the amount of $930.00 waiting for you S.S.I. is covered under U.S. Law 42 U.S.C. 1383 (E) 20 CFR 416.305
90 days prior to your release write a letter to the Social security office where you live they will send you a question application. Fill it out as accurately as possible and then return it..
you can also go to the food stamps office hot line and get #80.00 worth of Food stamps when you go to the dept of social services. Also you can apply for a full grant of food stamps of $160.00 total. You are qualified because you are on S.S.I. the welfare dept will automatically send you $228.0 per month for financial assistance and utilities, S.S.I. is the same in each state.
Go to the dept of Vocational rehabilitation because you are on S.S.I. A convicted felon is a depressed minority. You also quality for certain benefits packages.. The amount of this benefit is $1900.00 and is to be used for a down payment on a car. the car must be needed to go back and forth to work. you also receive a $300.00 check to buy clothing for work and another $400.00 check for tools. there’s are grants not loans so they don’t need to be paid back. Small business administration (SBA) has a program for ex felons business loans up to $50,000.00 The federal H.C.W. will bond you for free.
Once you have S.S.I. you can qualify for a loan up to, 5,000.00 from any bank. the loan is guaranteed by the federal government and must be repaid (
Here’s an example of a application of a former inmate that was awarded benefits
I have been. Out of prison since 2007 I still cannot function. Is there help for me?
There is help for you, contact a psychologist and explain to him or her the issues you are having. Let them know that you have done an extensive amount of prison time and you now believe you are dealing with post traumatic stress syndrome because of your prison experience. Let them know that you need assistance. If the first one you meet with doesn’t diagnose you properly go to another. If this doesn’t work ask one of the Psychologist to facilitate a “inmate support group” with reach out to other inmates who have just come home… Form this group like AAA or NA group. Your group should focus on the struggles of re-entry and the emotion and psychological effects that prison has had on you sense your incarceration. Work with us at CSB to get the message out there. So we can get the resources and support you need to help you. This may not be easy but we can get you and others like you the help you need. I am here for you for whatever assistance you may need.
How long before your release mr.jackson
D Jay, do you have an email addy I can write to you at?
I’ve been home for close to a year ,after serving 16 years..I’m still unable to find a job and get help with a car, clothing and housing..
What Can I do before I lose my sanity and my freedom Again…
My name is Jonathan kirby Parker#203885 I have altogether served out (flattened) a total of 34 years of course I’m only 46 so that’s with the good time I earned. I have filled out every application on the internet for a job and every time I do I get another email of a background check that was just run on me. It’s hard enough to leave the house in fear of being locked back up. I pray someone helps me here and now. If not for food stamps and a brother to live with I’m afraid I feel I’d be better off locked back up. I do not like being locked up but to survive out here in the real world its almost as if it’s designed for me to have no other choices than to result to criminal endeavors just to survive til caught again. Its affecting my life in a very depressing way. All my relationships are as strained as I’ve ever known. They think I’m lazy and I’ve worked harder for .17hr than most out here for the average $10 hr. I trust no one and don’t really know where to turn. I come from a good and wealthy family in both sides of my family but I feel as they believe nothing I say. I know and its hard to admit but I feel as if I was gone forever everyone would be better off. Suicide is NOT what I’m referring to. It’s just that I don’t like feeling like a burden. I sadly say I was mentally happier locked up. Please help
Dear Jonathan,
Listen to me and listen to me closely. Some how your forgetting and losing sight of all the things you saw and learned in prison. When you were in prison there were men who couldn’t get the job you had making 17 cent. What did they do? Yeah you have a family that has some money but where were most of them while you were incarcerated?
When a man in prison can’t get a job or needs a means to make a coin. He becomes creative and makes a way. Dudes make burritos, sandwiches and deserts. Go back to what you know. Make Chili dogs, hustle them at your local barbershop and salon. Sale them to those on the black who would be your co-defendant if you chose a life of crime again.
People respect a hustler…show others that the one thing you are not is a coward! That you are not scared to sell apple, oranges and ect. Make fruit salads keep them on ice and deliver them to work site for a profit. When someone doesn’t give you your way…. Make away! Take those food stamps and invest in yourself. It might take a minute. But I’ve got confidence in you that if you apply what you know things will change and God will see you through the rest.
A man who has done 34 years in prison shouldn’t have any complexes. Work love one work. Hit me back and let me know your plan is?
Part 2 of DJ response.
Dear Jonathan,
I’ve been thinking about you message all day. I’m truly empathetic for you and the hurdles life is throwing at you.
Also, I know that what I’m advising you may sound easier said than done. But what I’m advising you to do is real. I’ve seen it work many of times. I’ve know men who have personally gotten out of prison after doing extensive amounts of time. Who have started their own food service business out the kitchens of their homes. I’ve seen dudes start Candy stores on the streets literally out of small hole in the wall store fronts and actually turn it into a real profitable business for themselves.
What they were doing was apply a skill set that they mastered in prison to the new found freedom. I’d like you to do the same. I don’t care if its selling “Icy’s” you can make them in your own freezer and on a hot day take them to different spots in the hood. Where you know guys don’t want to leave the block and they will buy them. All you’ve got to do is make sure there sweet and mix your own types of flavors. A Icy can sell for up to a dollar a cup and the cost for you will be less than 5 cent a cup. If you sell a 100 cups a day. That a 100 dollars a day. 5 days a week you’ll be making up to 2k a month.
I want to see you succeed. One thing for sure God and other’s helps those that help themselves. Right now your at the bottom the only thing you can do is come up. Make a way for yourself. What do you have to lose? Surely a little pride is nothing compared to the pride you’ll have to set aside going back to prison being belittled by staff and other inmates because you could handle the obstacles freedom threw at you.
I’m praying for you LLove one Do what men like me wish they had the opportunity to do…Struggle In the world of the Free!!!
God Bless you. -DDay
Hi I have been out of prison now going on 3years and the social security administration keeps on giving me the run around and spending me please help me
I just was released after serving a 20 year 85% sentence. I went in when I was 20 years old, I’m now 37. Being released is almost as bad as going to prison, I’m in a world I don’t even know. Everything has changed. South Carolina prisons give you a quick speach and send you on your way. That’s it. Help me!!!!
Trust, I definitely overstand your situation. I’ve been incarcerated for over 17 years now and all the things you are going through are some of the same things earlier on in my bid, I told myself to be forever be mindful of i.e, the many adversities convicts go through after serving extensive sentences. For example, many men in prison don’t want to grow old, therefore they don’t grow up, often times putting them in a position where they find themselves getting out twenty years later with the same mindset they had twenty years ago. Which equates to getting out returning to the same streets, running with the same crowd and doing the same things that sent them to prison in the first place. Before you know it they’re back. Telling everyone “Man its crazy out there. Its hard out there.” Now don’t get me wrong I know the prison industrial complex really lacks the proper programs to properly prepare individuals for successful re-entry based on case by case bases. For example you make clear that South Carolina gave you a quick speech and sent you on your way. As if your release should be the same as someone who has served 2 years. As if incarceration and its effects is a one size fits all type of deal. Its saddening because the majority of people in society have no clue, that the same pre-release programs for a guy that served 2 years is the exact same one you received after serving 20 years. Upon release he got a bus ticket $100 the same way you did. Yet after serving two years all his family, friend and supporters are most likely still living in the same place, the skill set he had is most likely still needed in the work force and the cost of living is still within his mindset as affordable. After serving two years the trauma brought on by incarceration for him wasn’t as life altering, yet for you its like being a fish out of water. Because the people you identify with as friends, family and supporters are those who did time with you. Don’t panic though… you survived 20 years in the belly of the beast. And do not lose site of that! For 20 years your life was literally in jeopardy day to day and the penal system dictated 99.9% of how you ate, moved, thought and viewed the world. At 37 you have officially served more time in prison than you have in the free world. Also one has to take inconsideration that you came to prison as a teenager. Making the years you do know as a free “MAN” insignificant . Basically you have no experience as a free “man”. Simply put, the man you are today was primarily shaped in a extremely negative, oppressive and stressful environment making your transition from convict to citizen feel like a losing battle. I’ve got you though. First and foremost lets focus on what you know. One thing for sure that you should know is “You are a survivor.” You are no different than the soldier who goes to war. Yet the average soldier isn’t allow to fight in the battle field for no longer than a few years at a time. You’ve been in the field for 20 years it should be expected that you have some level of post traumatic stress syndrome. Society is another world coming from the War Zones we know America’s Penal System to be. That being said, you can overcome this hurdle. We’ve just got to assess what are some of you major re-entry issues. So tell me, what do you need now? What are some of the things you find difficult to deal with while try to get your life back on track? Who do you consider your support team/who really has your back no matter what? Let me make it clear it take a person who has been through what we have been through to truly be able to understand the magnitude of what it feels like to be a ex-felon, in world he or she hasn’t really know for 20 years. I know your release felt like being born again, yet there’s no one there to hold your hands as you take baby steps in order to gain real walking ground. Those around you don’t understand how alien you feel, being surrounded by people who can’t understand what it feels like to be locked in the hole for 30-to-90 day, even up to years at a time. Obama not to long ago reformed the Special Management Unit program which were holding inmate in solitary confinement for unlimited amounts of years. These inmates were being forced in cells with other inmates for this extensive amount of solitary confinement. The program was basically putting men in cell like animals. After a while even animals begin to fight amongst themselves, the SMU you program had these men fighting, assaulting and killing one another. I was set to the program and did almost 27 months. It was one of the most psychological distraught moments I had ever experience in my life. It was literally like being a dog amongst 1000 other dogs in the dog pound. Where at any given moment you will be forced in a cage that will force you to fight, kill or be killed. But instead of allow it to consume me, I fought to maintain my sanity, transform myself into someone better and advocate for the change I want and know that is need. It was in the SMU that I decided to write my first book, develop the MENSTOP curriculum and come up with the concept of my own clothing line. Basically the SMU allowed me to pull up a strength I didn’t know existed, once came to understand this strength for what it was… I came to know, that it is nothing I can’t do or overcome. In conclusion there’s a solution to your problem and together we’re going to find it.
Well said my brother. I have never been locked up, but i have been doing as i say “prison ministry” for 28 years now. I’ve visited, wrote letters, sent packages, phone calls, and sent cards and words of encouragement to those incarcerated. I am trying to see now where i can be most helpful in getting people help with resources once released. Thanks for what you do.
I was released 20 days ago can you help me to fully understand the benefits I qualify for. I served 21 months off of a 5 year sentence. I am 23 years old made a few poor decisions and want to do right. Please contact me at
Benefits available to former inmates/ Ex-offenders Bureau of Prison
What do I do? Who do I talk to? Where do I go?
Go immediately to the nearest Social Security Office and ask to speak to a counselor so that you can apply for Social Security Insurance Emergency benefits of $1,500.00. Explain that you are emotionally and mentally unprepared to hold a job. Show them your parole or supervise release papers in order to prove that you are just out of prison.
Note: You should receive that check within 72 hours.
While at the office fill out the necessary forms for the $310.00 monthly disability benefits for every month you were incarcerated.
* Welfare
Go to the nearest Welfare Department Office and apply for General Relief. Again, show them your release papers as proof that you are just getting out of prison. Tell them you need “Financial Assistance Immediately”. A check should be issued to you within two hours. It should be for approximately $150.00, Do not forget your food stamps while you are there. You should receive about $110.00 worth. While you are there, be sure to obtain a “Medical Card” for Health Protection Benefits.
Note: This card can be used at any doctor’s or dentist’s office.
Do this in the next ten days!!!
Go to the State Rehabilitation Center, where you can apply for various Federally Funded Loans & Grants.
If you want to start a small business, make a list of the approximate cost of all the equipment you will need (tools, work clothes, etc…) and estimate for about how much operating cash you will need to start-up the business UNTIL it begins to make a living for you. They may loan you UP TO $50,000.00.
If you need to be bonded for employment by a private employer, you can obtain the bond from any U.S. District Court. Go to the Probation & Paroles Department. It should take less than an hour to have the validated form in your hand.
Supplemental Social Income can best be described as a form of welfare that is paid through the Social Security Office.
Different from Social Security Benefits, there is no need to qualify as far as your past income is concerned. You AUTOMATICALLY QUALIFY for S.S.I. because you re unemployed and considered to be disabled. Be sure that you understand the situation concerning your disability. FEDERAL LEGISLATION AT THIS TIME, DOCUMENTS ESTABLISHING THAT YOU ARE AN EX-OFFENDER, SUPPORTING THE FACT THAT YOU HAVE EMOTIONAL PROBLEMS OR PSYCHOLOGICAL ISSUES.
Basically, the government has declared that had you not had this emotional problem, you would have been able to conform to the rules of society, thus preventing your commission of a federal crime. Regardless of whether or not you feel, or accept the fact, that you as an ex-offender, do in fact have this emotional problem, it is considered by both federal and state rehabilitation commissions to be a disability. According to the current policies, mental and emotional problems constitute a 100% disability. And you will be considered to have this disability until you have become a “productive member” if society.
The whole purpose of (S.S.I.) is to help you as a recently released ex-offender by relieving part of the economic pressure you will be facing as you re-enter society and try to re-establish yourself as a productive member of society.
*Supplemental Social Income is covered under the U.S. Law 42 U.S.C. 1383 (e);CFR 416.305
After your release, you as a parolee or otherwise, will qualify for assistance of up to $310.00 per month. Although you do qualify for assistance, you will only be able to recieve S.S.I. benefits payable quarterly. Aslo you can qualify for S.S.I. benefits while you are still in prison waiting to be released. You, by law, have only 30 hours after you are released to reach the nearest Social Security Office and submit your application. But you must take the reccomended steps before your release date and apply for these benefits or you will lose the opportunity to take advantage of S.S.I. So (90)days prior to your release, send in your application to be processed. You should have a check waiting for you in the amount of $930.00.
1. 90 days before release, write a letter to the Social Security Office where you live. They will send you a five question application. Fill it out as accurately as possible, the return it to the Social Security Office nearest you.
2. When your application is processed, you will receive a check for (3) months totalling ($930.00).
3. You can also call the Food Stamp Office’s HOT-LINE and get $80.00 worth of food stamps when you go to the Department of Social Services.Also you can apply for a full food stamp grant. This will provide you with a total of $160.00 worth of food stamps.
4. You qualify because you are on S.S.I. the Welfare Department will automatically send you $228.00 per month for financial assistance and utilities. S.S.I. is the same in every state.
(a) Go to the Department of Vocational Rehabilitation because you are on S.S.I.
(b) A convicted felon is a depressed minority. You also qualify for a certain benefits package. The amount of this benefit is $1,900.00 to be used for a down payment on a car. The car must be needed to go back and forth to work.
(c) Also you recieve a $300.00 check for clothing for the job. And another $400.00 check for street clothes. And finally, a $400.00 check for tools. These are grants , not loans, so they don’t have to be paid back.
5. S.B.A. has a program for Ex-felons. You are qualified to recieve a small business adminstration loan of up to $50,000.00.
This loan is only given in the case of business pursuits, and it would be called a “starter” loan. Also the S.B.A. will provide professional assistance to help you plan employment. You must be bonded for the loan. The federal H.O.W. will bond free, if no other organization will. Becasue you are an ex-convict, theloan must be repaid to the S.B.A. The annual percentage rate are low, and for two reasons, 1) you are an ex-felon, and 2) business lonas areless of a risk tham conventional loans.
6. Ones you have S.S.I. you can qualify for a lona of up to $5,000.00 from any bank in the area. The loan is guaranteed by the Federal Government and must be repaid.
Been look for my son emo release is coming soon, I got wrong number, talked to a representative at S.S.she said there are no such benefits and she never heat of such, now what
Hello, you can use the guideline in the link of approved Application
I heard this is a hoax an not true, am I wrong .. my friend is in an is serving all his time 6 years. This would be a big help an getting him started in life if true. Last time they put him on the street with nothing. Trying to help him
Mr. Jackson what you got going here is a wife of an ex convict I have many questions…my husband is an ex convict out of Pelican Bay…he has been out for 5 years or so and has been off of parole for about 2 years now. His life in the system began when he was 12 yes old..he has had a few jobs since he’s been home. My question to you is…can he receive benefits for that? Would he be considered to have post traumatic stress?
Dear. Jannett
The answer to your question is “Yes”. Your husband has obviously tried to work in society with his disability. Yet he hasn’t been able to because of his PTSD. My advice is try and find a Psychologist who will diagnose him and medically certify him with having PSTD. From there he can file for Social Security benefits…now be mindful S.S.I. can be a uphill battle at first but , don’t give up re-file. The longer it takes for them to approve him the bigger his back pay checks will be. There are studies about long-term isolation and it’s effects. I’ve done years in special housing unit. I know through personal experience the Psychological effects it has on a man’s mind. I’ve been around men where the damage was irreversible some men never get back to normal. That being said, your husband is blessed to have a wife who loves and supports him. Fight to get him the help he needs and let your voice be heard, because allot of people really doesn’t understand the magnitude of the damage long-term incarceration causes.
my boyfriend was incarcerated at pelican bay for 10 years and was released in 2005. immediately after release he started working and did ok for the next five years, but little byh littlr hr began to slide. The last 7 years he’s had problems with drugs, violance and keeping a job. My question is although he’s been out for 12 years can he still get this assistance for P>T>S>D>
My son did 18 yrs and is at a transition center he will be out in Aug and live with me, what should we do first. We live in Alabama
Hello D jay..
Im recently released from florida DOC and trying to get medical and assistance..i need a few surgeries for a k9 injury i sustained in 2014 by police arrest..i been in and out of prison for 15 yrs clinically diagnosed with PTSD and im having trouble getting reaclimated. I been home 2 weeks now ..went to welfare today and they said food stamps yes but medicaid is gonna be a struggle…what are my options? …my meds from prison are running out…my arms a mess..and im just feeling out of touch….appreciate the help..
Justin C..
Justin, are you still on parole? If so speak with your parole officer about medical alternatives. Also you should follow the Social Security procedures that’s laid out on the website so you can get you Social Security benefits as soon as possible. Also contact another social worker at the Welfare office, because Medicaid should not be a struggle for you especially with you just re-entering. Also contact the Florida State Capital speak to the director over the Parole Office and Explain to he or she the issues you are having with getting medical benefits and medications.
Furthermore, Justin I would like for you to set up a profile and CSB create a gofundme campaign explaining your past and present issues and see if we can help you raise some funds to buy your meds. You can show people your injury and get some support. We really need to expose to the world the hurdles individuals like yourself face and that some of these medical needs you have and other’s have come from extensive amount of time being and incarcerated and not having the proper medical assistance. You are not alone -Djay
My name is dustin and I did 66 months in prison but my question is I’ve tried to cope back into the real world and it hard I’ve been out since apirl 5th 2017 and had a job but I couldn’t do it it really stressed me to the max being around people always looking over my shoulder. But it’s July 7th and I was wondering if I can still get the benefits since it’s been 3 months
I am a Media Artist My name is Mandell Smith,
I was recently released from Florida D.O.C. after 30 months.
I have a program dream C.U.B.B.Y.H.O.L.E. (Creating Urban Built Businesses Yet Helping Others Learn Economics)
Please help our campaign to fight Depression, Suicide, bullying and to Create Jobs, especially for Felons and ex cons.
I am also raising money to get my children out of foster care in florida. I am not in trouble, Their Mother had a situation and the kids were taken. Now I have the chance to get them and be granted full custody.
Please come see what I am doing so you know its real. I dont have anyone so I came to go fund and social media.
If your for this positive cause and you check out my site and like what you see (alot more is coming soon) then please dont hesitate to send me a request.
If this isnt within your heart then I understand and thanks for taking time for me us today.
I really appreciate you. Even though we havent formally met I am willing to open a dialog and see if there is a mutual goal we can reach together
Mandell Smith,
We are a media outlet that support ex-felon and the positive contributions. We will post your campaign via our website all we ask is that you set up a profile with us and post more information about your struggle and the progress that your making.
Our biggest goal at CSB is to unite ex-felons and collectively address the issues that effect us.
So Mandell let me know what else you think we can do to aid and assist you.
Mr. D jay
You sir, are truly amazing and a blessing. Thank you so much for ALL of the information you’ve provided and advised. What a breath of fresh air!! Thank you for restoring HOPE and KNOWLEDGE that with out you had made seem hopeless and foolish .. you have truly been and made a positive impact on mine and my family’s, before struggle, now-journey to a fesh start and new beginings.. i cannot thank you enough. Thank you. Please continue taking care of yourself and I hope you never loose sight of your epic vision and spirit. #onelove.
-wife of a an amazing
man first; ex- convict last.
Thank you for the accolades and know your words of appreciate just motivates me that much more to press on regardless of the hurdles that are place before me. There are those who would have me believe that there are no longer people like yourself who value and appreciate knowledge and positive subject matter. Yet God tells me differently. It is a honor to know you are the wife of productive ex-felon and that you are standing strong. I will keep doing what I’m doing… Thank you!!
Have a Blessed day. – Djay
Greetings comrade, I have served 27 years in the belly of the beast and was finally released in May of 2016. I went away at 15 and came out at 42. My question is in NYS no one wants to help you get welfare or anything else like SSD. I am mentally shot and see therapist once. A week but she is also with the System and even though I was labeled with ptsd inside she doesn’t believe i have it. Does the knowledge you shared also effect NYS ex felons or not. Also, continue to hold your head up stay sucker free and you shall be in my prayers.
God bless / Johnny Irish
Hey Loveone, listen you really fit all the criteria for SSI. This is what I recommend for you though. Do some research on Psychologist who specialize in dealing with PTSD. You might have to pay a couple of hundred dollars for a consultation. But in the long run it will pay off for you. Because you are going to a therapist right now. Basically all you have to do is have the paid phys do a evaluation on you acknowledging that you clearly have PTSD, explaining that your current therapist isn’t as qualified to do the diagnosis and from there you can submit your application. At the end of the day your right your current therapist works for the system therefore he or she isn’t going to diagnose you correctly because his or her boss is telling them not to diagnose you guys with PTSD. They prefer getting checks for providing you with shade tree therapy.
I appreciate the prayers and know that I’m praying for you as well. Its a fight Loveone but you deserve proper assistance for what this system has sent you through. Also I want you to tell your story on the website…. We need to really get your voice heard. With you being incarcerated at such a young age for so long surely people need to know how that has effected you mentally and spiritually. We at CSB are fighting to get brothers like you the help they need. But you’ve got to speak up.
I live in California now I’ve been out since 2012 I did 3yrs then another year for parole violation. In 2014.. I’ve been out 2 1/2 years I did my time in Chicago tho.. I had 2 jobs and 1 fired me bcuz my background.. Can I still qualify for anything
The good thing about you being a resident of California right now is there’s allot of program that help ex-offender get jobs and housing. Yet if you think your having issue with PTSD then I recommend you start with getting some mental evaluation first. Go to the local County office and see what they have to offer as far as mental health counseling. Explain to them that you having problem readjusting to society based on your experience with prison. They should be able to direct you to someone who specializes in PTSD issue. Once you have been diagnose you can use your medical record to apply for SSI. But remember very seldom do they qualify you on you first try so you may have to resubmit your application again. The good part is they will give you back check from the date you originally file so if it take two years you will get two years worth of checks once your approved. Good luck.
Yes. I need to know more solid proof of these programs. Different people like you who has done this. My friend is about to be home. I need to sent him information about this.
My fiancé is currently serving time in Coleman 2 and he has served over 20 years already beginning his time at the age of 17 and he is due to go up to parole 2019 after being sent back to program in 2016 and when he gets his parole we need to find resources to help him to reform back into society as a adult and I just love him so much I want “THE BEST FOR HIM AS HE DESIRES FOR HIMSELF ” so can u please give me from a-z how to to start and prepare this PTSS ..he reached out and mentioned this to me and I’m reaching out to you for starters..THANK U WISEMAN
my husband has been incarcerated for 27 yrs and is due to be released June 2018. I’m going to assume that he will be more than likely to get disability from SS since he’s institutionalized, how long before his out date should I apply for SS for him? We are in Illinois ( not sure that makes a difference). I really don’t know much about this as neither does he, and I don’t want to fill out wrong papers, or anything of the sort. So all the help would be appreciated!
Congratulation! Its a blessing that your husband will finally becoming home. That being said, he should submit his SSI application 30 days upon his release. Also he needs to find a few programs that offer psyche evaluations and therapy. Recommend that he makes sure Psychiatrist diagnose him with PTSD and his disability makes almost impossible for him to work. Its an attorney by the name of Bryan Stevenson he has a book published title “Just Mercy” he provided allot of statistical information about the Trauma cause by incarceration. I recommend you and your husband read this book. It will really broaden your perspective on the complexity of incarceration, the challenge you may face with your husbands reentry and it shows you the power of humanity.
Note: I’m finding that SSI applicants who use legal services to structure and submit their application more than likely get their applications granted and they get granted sooner than later.
You might want to look online for a low cost attorney who understands the ends and outs of the SSI application and its criterion.
Pray all goes well with you and your husband.
Much Love and Respect
Peace brother. I have been incarcerated for 16 yrs /7months. I max out a twenty year sentence on march 1,2018. With my release date being around the corner my question to you is,because I really wanna receive these benefits,how likely is it that I’ll receive any benefits?
I am a Mother of a Man who just spent 18 years in prison and has come home on the ACP Program in California. He came home in March and has to wear a monitor on his leg and must be home at 10 P.M. in the evening and charge the thing on his leg. He then has to do it in the morning when he gets up. The thing doesn’t always work right and some things make is buzz and he has to run home from like Wal-Mart to put the charger on. I have read all that you wrote and I have been to the Social Security Office and they say they do not know what We are talking about when ask them about the money thing. My son has a lawyer doing his case right now so It may help but he filed for Social Security in June and just got turned down but he had gone to the States Physcologist and that is why. He is now going to a physciatrist and she has diagnosed him with Anxiety disorder, PTSD and ADHD. This is not the same guy that went into prison, I am a loving Mother so I take a lot of time to do everything I can for him and assure him that this is the way this world is. November 14th is the day they are supposed to release him from parole and take this thing off his leg. His Birthday is November 21st and we will celebrate it all. I am 77 and my husband is 79 and we love him very much, but I just hope I live long enough to get all this straigtened out for him. I feel sorry for the prisoners who don’t have advocates. I can’t imagine how you guys can do this time, You guys are my heroes for being sane at all. Thanks for being there for so many people. We sure get frustrated, but hearing everyone else’s stories makes you feel that what you are feeling is really real. God Bless
First and foremost, know that my prayers and best wishes are for you and that the struggle that your son, as well yourself and your husband is extremely common. The SSI office will not try and assist your son in helping him get the benefits that available. Veteran are experiencing the same thing your son is with SSI as well and the VA office. People who submit for SSI are often times denied these benefits the first, second and even third time. Yet I’m seen due-diligence pay off and eventually an applicants application is approved. You have done the right thing by seeking counsel for your son. We at Convict Soap Box are currently looking for Psychologist and attorney to help applicants with their application as well as their mental assessments.
The great thing about your sons situation is he has loving parents who are standing by his side helping him with his disability. Very few men have that after spending as much time as he has allot of men like himself have lost their parents during their incarceration or don’t have anyone who has done the research you have done to understand what has happen to their child during their incarcerated.
Just know we’ve been giving our all to finding solution and means to better help those who have been effect adversely by the trauma caused from long-term incarceration. Your words simply gives relevance to the magnitude of the problem thousands of ex-felons and their families face.
” It is my sincerest prayer that the Lord guides you, keeps you blessed, protected and healthy until your son receives the benefits & care he deserves and you mind is at ease that he will be alright until God calls you home and afterward.
Thank you for your support time and consideration
-Demond A. Jackson
If I’ve been out for a year am I still eligible for these benefits?
I have attempted to research all the benefit information you have listed here, specifically the information that begins: “Benefits available to former inmates/ Ex-offenders Bureau of Prison
What do I do? Who do I talk to? Where do I go?”
Everywhere I turn, I am being told this is what’s called an urban legend. It is not factual. is a website dedicated to determining myth vs fact and shows this to be a total myth.
Have you had an opportunity to research this information and if so, can you share who you communicated with and their contact information? I appreciate your time and await your reply.
Kathline Greene
I’m writing for my fiance. He is currently incarcerated in Ga. He is up for parole in March. I want to make sure I send and request the right info for him. Can you help?
Your a TRUE BLESSING! Amen.. I’ve got so many, too many more issues than the other posts, I just read. It’s truly a terrible, sad and unfortunate situation for mostly for my son, Joseph (Joey) I have a lot more than the rest of your followers & I believe that it would be hard to follow. I’m praying to MY higher POWER, that youlooks be so kind to give me a call when you get a chance so I can explain, the more than difficult & unusual situation. If not, I understand but I do believe that with the passion & ALL the wonderful, great information you know, you can possibly be the 1st person to probably help me, with NOTHING BUT HONESTY, SINCERITY & LOVE! ( for my unfortunately sad & difficult situation!) I’m asking if you are able, willing, interested in giving me some direction that’s so needed to help my son, Joey who’s a Marine Corp Sargeant veteran at 29. graduated a Lands Corpal, 5 ONLY OUT OF 600 MARINES! Is not same as prior. I HAVE so many things, questions, cuz his Father owed me $92,000, was in prison most of his life! Passed away last year, I didn’t get much over the years! Total a couple or few thousand in 27 years. Father was last incarcerated at Levingsworth, 6-7 years, & alot more prior! Sadly, I had gotten into the system , as well. 3 years, boot camp! I’m not doing well & NEVER HAVE! got sick 9 years ago and have been ever since. 8 female surgeries, and have NOTHING! IF YOU are able or interested in helping me with the most difficult situation, please contact me, I’d be more than grateful and thankful! I need some help if you don’t have time, please help me with some or all INFORMATION you have, PLEASE. THANK YOU! TRACY PLEASE pm me at Tracy Besler Pratt or call my # listed. God bless you and I am glad you are doing well and give your time to others. You will be more than blessed! May you have a wonderful life , many beautiful prosperous day of glory and GRACE AHEAD OF YOU! AMEN….
Please call me if you are willing to chat with me about my unfortunate life-altering situation, that I’m in great need of some help, and mostly to see if you are able to give me any information in order to help me get my life back & ALL THAT I HAVE COMING OR ANY OF THING THAT I SHOULD’VE ALREADY have or had, I’ve ALWAYS KNOWN that I should have gotten something, if NOT ALOT! “THEY” seem to get over on ALL those who have not a clue! I’ve just have known this WHOLE SITUATION IS NOT CORRECT, IN ANY TYPE OF WAY! Please help. I’m not sure if you charge. Please lmk. Thanks, Tracy
Djay, This page has helped me so much, I’m the girlfriend of an ex-fellon, he was in for a total of 30 years starting at age 17, before that he had been raped, as a child, then put up and sold by a man to a man then all the jail time. I’m sure he has PTSD and we have been together for 4 years, he is the love of my life and after hearing his story it broke my heart and I instantly gave him a 2nd chance at life and trying so hard, with me being on disability on a limited income but I have supported us both for 4 years and just 3 months ago he finally got a job but now he is seeing how hard it is for himself to contain his temper at his other co-workers that are very lazy and do not want to work at just putting a box together, he came home sick tonight cause he just about lost it on a man and felt sick to his stomach and felt like he might loose it on this man went to bathroom and brought up his supper cause his feelings of wanting to beet this guy up for not wanting to do his work at such an easy job, it scared him cause he new that if he threw one punch he would be back in jail. I love this man so much I just want to see him be all that he can be. We tried to get a business up and started to help him financially for us cause he is a wonderful Artist from being in jail for so long, he did the Art to make money in jail he would do Art for other inmates to send to there family and loved ones… It breaks my heart to see him belittle himself and his self-esteem is so low from all that has happen to him…. Going to find him a counselor tomorrow to see if we can get him diagnosed with the PTSD and get him his Social Security he deserves…
Thank you for your website and all that you do, I wish I would have seen this 4 years ago when I first took him into my home and came to love this wonderful man…
Thank you for all that your doing here…… Angelwings…
Mr Jackson, my brother appears to be suffering from PTSD he has been off of parole for several years. None of us were aware of the process that you mentioned. Now he has thoughts of Suicide frequently he has not been able to hold a job he has a very short temper he is easily irritated he is struggling financially he now has high blood pressure a umbilical hernia that prevents him from lifting heavy items. Is it too late for us to help him apply for benefits? What should our next step be? I’m a very concerned sister
Dear Concerned Sister,
I can only imagine the struggle your brother is having… I don’t think all is lost for him though. He’s at least had a job since he’s been out. Therefore he is eligible for SSI benefits. The problems were having with allot of SSI applicants is them getting the proper mental assessments and getting their application submitted by legal services who no how to properly submit the application for the best opportunity for success.
Also we really need to start a movement to gain national recognition for the mental effects of incarceration for those like your brother. We at CSB are doing what we can, but what we need you guys to do is start submitting your stories about your family members to the website via Webcam. So we can start posting these visual stories and gather support so we can raise funds and create our own program to help your brother and those like him.
Also your Brother Should seek Professtional Help based on his needs. He can Call Local Mental Health or Agencies that can Direct him to Mental Health Services. That should be done ASAP based on his Thoughts.
See if your brother would be willing to do a webcam interview with my co-founder Jonathan so we can see if we can get our congressmen and government official to get behind this issue.
My fiancé was in from age 16-33 and has not had much luck finding jobs been out 2 years and wants to know what to do he was denied the first time. Should he have attorney?
My Uncle has come home after doing 30 years. It is breaking my heart to see him go through readjusting to being home. I really feel he is suffering from PTS, he is very anxious and short tempered – including other behaviors. He is 65 years old, still recovering from Cancer but he is adamant about getting his CDL to drive trucks. I really don’t think he will be able to do that, but I don’t want to crush his dreams and say anything negative. I really appreciate this information you are providing and will try to talk to him about getting some of this assistance you mention. Thank you!
My husband is 48 years-old and has been incarcerated off and on since he was 17. He has never had any encouragement or counseling, and I honestly believe he is incapable of functioning at a normal job. The paranoia is too great, and I believe he would end up incarcerated, yet again, because He simply isn’t equipped with the skills to adjust to what comes so naturally for most of us. He’s a kind, generous, intelligent, amazing man, but due to incarceration for over half of his life, hasn’t developed social skills that most us learn without even being aware of it. It’s a normal occurrence for most of us. We do not know the constant physical and internal struggle that these men and women battle everyday. If we had, in place more resources to assist inmates with rwal, actual re-entry, we would have considerably lower reincarcerations!!! These offenders, for the most part, honestly WANT to be productive successful members of society, but just as a cancer patient would love to not have to endure chemo/radiation, they cannot simply will away the disease!! Mental health is a huge issue that needs immediate attention and immediate action!!! I’m fighting for MY ex-convict, my best friend, the best person I’ve ever known, my other half, my soulmate, my person. He is worth it, and I will stand by him through any and everything! I will be diving into this, beginning this week. Thank you for the information and the head start!! God Bless!!!!
Society needs to become aware of what we go thru, and also to be more understanding.
People in society all say that people make mistakes and everyone deserves a second chance. They aren’t willing to give us an opportunity for that second chance to show we’ve changed.
I served 8 1/2 years on a 10 year sentence. Released in September 2016, and got off parole this past March. I’m still having a very difficult time finding sustainable employment due to my history. My ex wants to see me go back and keeps calling child support on me. Acts like I’m not trying to find work. Now they want to take my license making it virtually impossible to find a job. Combined on top of all that is the mental anguish I’m still suffering from being locked up. Even the doc at Mental Health seemed to be against me this week. I went to see her, and told her about waking up in the middle of the night covered in sweat. Only piece of any dream I recall was being in a prison cell block. She started naming medications to try, and when I told her I didn’t want to be put on medication, she asked me “Well, what are you doing here then?” The symptoms from anxiety, depression, PTSD, or whatever in the world is wrong with me is progressively getting worse, even after I been out almost 2 years. I’ve been to Voch Rehab, and they said I qualify for services, just waiting on funding. I was hoping that they would help me go to school for HAD (heating and air conditioning). The lady there told me just today that I may not be able to attend that school because of being a felon, and may not be able to be bonded for that work, because I’m a felon. Where is the second chance in any of this? Nothing but road blocks line the path of trying to better myself. It’s no wonder so many people go back. Even when they want to turn their life around, and genuinely try to do so, society don’t want to see it happen. It would be easier to give up n just do something to go back. That is definitely not an option tho. I may not be in a good place at this particular moment, but I have to figure out how to make something of my life. I have to be here for my little girl. I was away from her for too long already. Apologies for rambling a bit. Everything has been compounded lately tho. Hopefully my appointment at Mental Health will b helpful tomorrow
I have been out for three years now after spending 22 years in prison. I find it nearly impossible to find employment. I’ve even tried staffing agencies with no luck. Even employers who are “felon friendly” won’t hire me, because of the serious nature of my felony conviction or because of my lack of employment history. I’ve never been diagnosed wuth PTSD, but know that I suffer with it. Where do I go for help. I live in Ohio
I’ve been out of prison for 2 years now. I still can’t seem to hold down a job, and I can’t seem to stay out of going back to jail. I believe I suffer from post-traumatic stress syndrome because of the 10 years that I did in prison. How can I apply for benefits and what exactly do I need to do?
I have been incarcerated 8 out of the last ten years I need help
I want to ask a very serious question. What about PSTD support like this to help the Blue Line that deals with the societal havoc that these guys wreck? There is none. Cops who have life long nightmares dealing with the dead bodies and the stench. The broken victims barely breathing. The woman running down the street naked with burn marks on her legs and 2 bullet holes in her back. The two little red haired twins in a diapers walking outside in 70% humidity and in a 40 degree temp. So spare me y’alls whiny ass shit.
I want to ask a very serious question. What about PSTD support like this to help the Blue Line that deals with the societal havoc that these guys wreck? There is none. Cops who have life long nightmares dealing with the dead bodies and the stench. The broken victims barely breathing. The woman running down the street naked with burn marks on her legs and 2 bullet holes in her back. The two little red haired twins in a diapers walking outside in 70% humidity and in a 40 degree temp. So spare me y’alls whiny ass shit.
You wouldn’t open your mouth like that behind them walks you shelter punk