My name is Shaunta Taylor, and I was born April 2, 1972. I a Los Angeles native. I'm also a gang member from L.A. The set I'm from is the Harlem- Crips Rollin 30s, and my nick-name is Capone 2. I'm telling people this because I want people to try and understand the gang culture. Our culture as young males growing up in America, and the pit falls that we must face. My story is not a story that glamorizes gang life, but one that explores it to a certain degree. So those of you interested in hearing my point of View, Log on to or you can Write me at Shaunta Taylor #47480-122 PO Box 7000, Florence, CO 81226 "All Opinions Are Welcomed" Thank you.

a.k.a capone..hello to all my readers.i’m hollering to let ya’ll know i’ve had a blessed start of this and my daughter muffin are bonding well.i’m hoping with these law...

My name is Shaunta Taylor,and i would just like to stress how much i miss my little girl case you’ll out their don’t know thats my daughter’s nickname.because of decisions...