My name is Marvin Wright, I'm from Los Angeles California, and I'm 47 years old. I've been incarcerated since 1999, For felony possession of a firearm and Distribution of cocaine and I now have two year left on this sentence. I'm a understanding, open minded individual and a extreme sports buff. I firmly believe that if it wasn't for sports, the penal system would be more overcrowded then it currently is now. Therefore I write and mentor the incarcerated youth about the importance of sports and advise those who posses high skill sets be it in basket ball, football or soccer. That there's still opportunities available for them to have a career as a professional athlete. That is why I'm a Soap Box columnist, a MENSTOP activist and every day I'm striving to make a positive difference.

Dropping the ball     by Marvin Wright What it do.. Sports Fans, yeah it’s me again Mr. Nut, with some food for thought and its all about holding on to the ball in life. My perspective...

                                                                          Sports Therapy                                                                     By...