You deserve to be respected submerged in your deepest ideological imperfection,
ERECTED while wavering through your emotional, spiritual perspectives…
Perfected! because your conditions of love can’t be measured.
A mother… deserves to be misunderstood, because she walks on the edge of life and death,
sacrifice, pain and flesh to see her children breathe..breath!
Nothing Less! Than mankind’s bless…ed BLESSED!
You deserve to say “no child of mine will disrespect!” regardless
If your right or correct.You are beyond worthy of all praises due to the man above,
A celebrated, dedicated, moment, hour, week, day and years…
You deserve the many tokens, tributes and artifacts created in your image that magnifies your name…
you deserve these words bestow from my soul, Thank you for all you’ve given me… In God’s Name may your blessings remain.

As you can see my name is Demond Andrae Jackson. My comrades and Love one's call me D-jay. I'm the co-founder of Convicted Soap Box, and the MENSTOP!/GIRL...STOP! re-entry programs. I consider myself a literary artist, be it poetry, editorials, composition, music or screenplays "My my power and words are my weapons..."
I'm the son of an African American queen, born and raised in Los Angeles California, where I was groomed in its infectious gang culture. For the past decade and half, the federal Bureau of Prison has been a institution of self-education, self-evaluation and the reason I now possess knowledge of self. That being so, I now strive to expose the solution to the problems that our plaguing our communities, America's youth and this country as a whole. There's a saying: "There's nothing new up under the sun." Simply put, if there's one thing in this universe existence, that has seen all thing that mankind has done or not done, it is the sun. That means the moral dissension that taking place currently is nothing new. Historian have written about times where the moral fabric of a nation was so tattered where the only solution for change was war a destruction. This country was built and establish to be the nation it is today. By the disenfranchised, those who were being oppressed by the Queen and her fellow Aristocrats. Therefore if this country is to change once again for the better. It will begin and must begin with the actions and the voice of the disenfranchised i.e, America's minorities, poor and it's third class citizen the American Ex-felon. That being said I'm committed to "WRITING MY WRONGS..." and sewing seed of knowledge and truth that will blossom into peace, prosperity and positive change
Writing Contact:
FCI Victorville Medium II
PO BOX 3850