100 days of Trump! As we come up on the first  of Donald Trump being in the white house. It has been a constant political circus, and some Americans would like to come up out of this perceived nightmare....

Robe & Gavel To Suit & Satchel: A Stand Against Injustice. “What they did was wrong. They deserve some time in prison, but not life…” It appears at least one judge gets it. After...

THE TRYING MAN   It’s true I don’t sleep much. Many readers know I’ve been unjustly serving an indefinite prison sentence since 1999. For those who did not know, well… I have....

God Of A Second Chance My name is Turner Ashe Jr #07029-028, I was sentenced to “life” in Federal Prison on October 31, 2003 for a non-violent drug offense. This testimony that you are...

Rose’s By Demond A. Jackson Isn’t it funny how certain people, places and things can effect our lives. How those same things have an uncanny was of inspiring us by one means or another. I’m...


Keith Bradford-EL   1. Let s start from the beginning, could you Illustrate Life growing up in St Louis, and major hurdles you faced as a youth? The daily routine of walking home from elementary...